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Greer Mask Making Company: One Good Mask is Plenty to Help Fight Covid-19 Spread

While many people grapple with whether to wear two face masks or one, the operator of a Greer company that's producing 25,000 three-layer disposable masks every day says one will do.

"You don't have to do that, doubling of a mask," said Rick Gehricke, chief operating officer of Carolina Facemask and PPE. "If you have a mask certified to international standards, you don't have to."

Carolina Face Mask & PPE was born more than a year ago from a Greer company founded in 1999 called Advanced Testing Instruments Corp. (ATI), headed by Tim Ziegenfus. The business provides advanced testing of products in the textile, chemical, plastic, automotive, aerospace, paper, military, medial, foam and packaging industries.

Carolina Face Mask in production at the business in Greer, Thursday, January 28, 2021. The PPE maker produces up to 25,000 high quality face masks each day. Rick Gehricke, chief operating officer with Advanced Testing Instruments, works at the business in Greer.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit last March, the company ramped up production of three-ply, Level 1 PPE face masks and business took off.

Spokesperson Katlyn Searcy said with the recent surge in COVID cases, many people still don't realize that a small business in Greer is doing its part to fight the pandemic.

"People are starting to ask more questions about masks and their effectiveness," Searcy said. "There are also concerns of more PPE shortages as the curve is trending up again."

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